Tuesday, May 15, 2018

2018 April Dividend Summary

April dividends saw a decent jump YoY, a 54% jump to be exact.  Viewing the summary below, you can see there were 4 new companies added to the portfolio in the last 12 months that were remitting any dividend payments my way: CPB, GE, KMB, and KIM.  The addition of these four companies accounted for bulk of the YoY difference.  There is one company that I no longer own, that is BNS my small position shortly before starting this blog.  See below for the full details.

What I like to look at every month is the breakout between what additional sums of money are attributed to favorable rate increases in dividends paid per share vs. the gains attributed to volume or said another way, the additional shares of stock purchased during the interim period. So, noted above, the YoY rate increase netted a 4.1% increase as the rather large increase in CSCO's rate of 13.8% is weighed down by a moderate increase in KO's rate of 5.4% and 0% rate change in both CLDT's and FOXA's dividend.  Although a 4.1% rate increase is nothing stellar in and of itself, it certainly remains above annual inflation and likely nearly double what many professionals received as part of the annual COLA/Merit increases in the recent 12 months and nearly double the increase folks who live solely by their SSI as noted here for 2018.  Now, on the volume side is where increases look great and is where the effects of compound dividend investing materializes as the dividends received from my portfolio's holding are reinvested; either into the same stock from which they were received or into additional shares of existing positions or new positions.  This dividend reinvestment combined with the infusion and investment of new capital contributions coming from my current earnings are what account for most of the large volume gains YoY of 49.9%. Recording and reporting these monthly dividend summaries is really motivating, as is reading of the experience and success of others in the blogging community, as the benefits of dividend growth investing really do manifest themselves quite quickly.

Lastly, this month I thought it may prove interesting to record a snapshot of the earnings multiple and dividend yields of the major indexes each month along with the dividend summary.  The WSJ updates the metrics each week on Friday except for the DOW index, which is updated daily.

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